Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fall Book Challenge Tasks

minus the 25 point tasks

5 Point Tasks
1. IHO Breast Cancer Awareness month read a book with a pink cover or tile or about a victim's story.

2. IHO Friday the 13th(Nov. 13th) read the 13th book on your TBR shelf. If you do not have a goodreads shelf then either read the 13th book on your physical shelf or if that isn't possible pull a title out of 13 pieces of paper.

3.IHO Black Friday/Cyber Monday, read a book that you bought on clearance (that day or before) or sale or Read a book about shopping/retail.

4. IHO Christmas gift giving read a book that you were given as a gift or bought with a gift card. (If you don't get books as a gift buy yourself a book as a gift to yourself for being great!)

5. IHO the darker nights curl up with a mystery.

6. IHO the cold nights read a book under a blanket or in front of a fire.

7. IHO Fall colors read a book with a brown, orange, red, yellow, or black cover.

8. IHO Sweetest Day read a book with a flower or type of Candy in the title.

9. IHO Sadie Hawkins day read a book where the main character is a male.

10. IHO Statue of Liberty dedication read a book set in New York.

10 Point Tasks
1.Read a book by an author that you have been meaning to read, but haven't gotten around to.

2. IHO National Teen Read Week read a Young Adult book.

3. IHO Daylight Savings Time fall back, read a Historical Fiction book

4. IHO fall read a book about Fall'ing in love, off the wagon, etc.

5. Read a book that comes out in October, November, December

6. Read an NBC monthly book that you wanted to read but didn't get the chance too. If you have read them all then read and discuss Oct., Nov., or Dec. book.

7. IHO the holidays Read a book about a religion other than your own

8. IHO Halloween read a horror/suspense book

9. IHO Thanksgiving read a book about Families

10. IHO Halloween read a book about ghosts, witches, vampires, goblins, etc.

15 Point Task
1. Go to random word generator (http://watchout4snakes.com/CreativityTools/RandomWord/RandomWord.aspx) and read a book with that word in the title or a book about that word or related to the word.

2. Choose an unfinished task from one of the last 3 challenges and finish it. If you finished all the challenges redo your hardest task. If you haven't done any other challenges then go back to the tasks in the bookchallenge blog and pick your favorite to do.

3. Read a book and pick a playlist of at least 5 songs that you feel would fit the book. Post the list on NBC

4. IHO T.V. starting read a book that a T.V. Show or Made for T.V. Movie/big screen movie was based off of. If possible watch the show or movie and Post a comparison

5. Read a book from the 1001 books to read list

6. IHO Pearl Harbor and Rememberance Day read a book about WWII or a book about/set in Hawaii

7. IHO National Family Literacy month read a book a family member recommended to you.

8. IHO Columbus Day read a book where the main character travels or a travel memoir

9. IHO Edgar Allen Poe's death and National Poetry month read a book of short stories or poetry

10. Go to thisonenext.com and put in your last book read. Read one of the suggestions given to you on what to read next.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

This seems like a fun challenge.
I recently read a book that you might like to add to your challenge. It's a WWII book so you can check that off your list.
It's actually a different kind of book unique in that it is a memoir not merely of a child’s life as lived during WWII , but it defines the ramifications of how that war, or any war, impacts the civilian population in big and small ways. tThe book I am referring to is called Abandoned and Forgotten; An Orphan Girl’s Tale of Survival During World War II and it's written by a wonderful writer, Evelyne Tannehill. I hope you succeed at your challenge and would love to see what you chose for all the books!
Good Luck and enjoy!